Rayvin’s Story

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My foster care experience was far from the best. I was in so many placements. Foster homes, group homes, residentials, psych hospitals, so many places. I hated my life and I hated myself. During that time, I started self-harming and even tried to commit suicide. I didn’t think my life had a purpose and I didn’t think I would ever leave custody or be successful despite the dreams I had.

However when I turned 18 I was blessed enough to get the chance to leave state’s custody and finally start a life of my own. My struggles unfortunately continued, as well as my self-harming and suicide attempts. Even with those struggles, I managed to graduate high school. Class of 2016. I was always good in school, but at one point I was going to drop out because being in placements had me behind. But I kept pushing, and I did it, and I am so proud of myself.

During my 2 1/2 years of being out of state’s custody, I have been homeless, broke, jobless, hurt, abused, and so much more. But I’m here! And that in itself is success to me! Not everyone who is in foster care makes it. My friend committed suicide after she left state’s custody. So I am not only wanting to succeed for me, but I want to succeed for her as well!

I now have my own apartment, I have a good job, I have a car, I’m in college, and I’m going to be a mother next month! I am so blessed! Being in foster care wasn’t the best, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything because it made me the women I am today. Everything I learned…being strong and independent…I will instill in my daughter. I’m glad I get to share my story, and I hope I get to share it as much as I can because if I can help one person…my tribulations were worth it

– Rayvin

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